弗兰克(丹尼·特乔饰)饰一名当年的越战老兵,退役之后他一直混得很是凄惨,没有工作也没有恋人。直到在一场巴士事故中救下了一位老黑人,他成了当地的英雄。不过,好运并没有就此到来,弗兰克最好的朋友被谋杀然而 一个无所事事及吸毒饮酒的十七岁少女,和她可爱又可怜的男朋友,再加一个七发肌肉三分神经,上床无分性别的浪人,在加州郊区的汽车旅馆、快餐店、变态佬、刀起头飞的暴力和全方方位出现的爱之间流浪。日裔美国独 Since the creation of currency, money has made the world go round and people have done anything and The real-life uncle and nephew duo pair up in reel-life to showcase the lives of Mumbai’s go-to fixers that take care of the dirty problems celebrities have. This ground-breaking series tells the story of Europe in six glossy episodes exploring different cha In this suspense drama, three men – Alex, Greger and Henrik – spend an extended weekend in a remot 从手工啤酒到Barbershop,从手绘广彩到黑胶唱片…… 这是一个你未曾了解的香港,这些主理人带着态度与热情,经营着自己与众不同的事业。PepperLab视研所用光与影的变幻,让你遇见这座水泥森林中 Nova ScienceNow examines the question of whether we can live forever. It looks scientists who are ex A Perfect 14 explores the fascinating world of plus-size modelling and the women involved who are fi 因童年创伤而拒绝相信爱情的杰姆经营着一家“爱情医院”。然而,坚信爱情力量的哈扎尔却扰乱了他的生活。
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