在離異的丈夫過世後,艾瑪得到了小女兒艾拉的監護權,並且努力的重建兩人之間的關係時,她們的新家卻突然出現一個惡靈,並且開始折磨她們,無時無刻暗中監視著,但隨著劇情峰迴路轉,真相卻是大呼過癮!! 影片改编自D.H.劳伦斯的同名小说。 查泰莱夫人(艾玛·科林 饰)对丈夫(马修·达克特 饰)的爱消磨殆尽,转而与庄园的猎场看守人(杰克·奥康奈尔 饰)展开一段炽烈恋情。 当一个女人因良心要求她将死者的尸体交还给家人时,她惊慌失措的决定掩盖了一次意外杀人事件,使她失去了控制。 Young lovers, Max and lime dream to live life together, but there comes a war, and everything that s 西尔维斯特·史泰龙旗下制片公司巴尔博亚制片公司(Balboa Productions)将打造多部影片,其中史泰龙或将参演两部影片[撒玛利亚](Samaritan,暂译)及[亨特](Hunter,暂译) In the near future, drugs and crime have risen 500%. A disintegrating police force is unable to deal Five haunted-house enthusiast friends are still trying to recover from the trauma of being kidnapped When the all-star player of the local high school football team collapses during practice, all eyes Through Eddie's wit and guile, he gives Sam that last night and finally finds the real meaning of Ch 升级公告
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