Detective Murdoch finds that the man behind a flying machine that crashes in Toronto is none other Eve Myles returns as Faith Howells as she attempts to navigate the fall out of her marriage break- 一个四世同堂的家族在平安夜齐聚祖屋,这可能是他们最后一次在这里过圣诞。随着夜色渐深,几代人的紧张关系愈发剑拔弩张。 影片曾入围2024年戛纳导演双周。 A stunning and stirring production focusing on the hopes, dreams, and aspirations of her passenger Participating in an internet challenge that requires breaking into homes and living undetected alo 《空中浩劫》(Air Crash Investigation)是一个由加拿大的Cineflix公司所制作的纪录片节目。此节目主要介绍1970年代黑盒子发明之后所发生的近代重大航空事故。在第三季时,有三 讲述了两位纪录片制作人决定调查一位涂鸦艺术家的失踪事件。随着调查的深入,这两位制作人遭遇到了一扇诡异的凭空出现的木门,这扇门引领他们穿梭于不同的空间,同时开启了一段黑暗的噩梦之旅。本来只是调查失踪 一个工薪阶层的爱尔兰女孩,参加了一个英国贵族的花展,这个花展世界闻名。于是女孩以她充满激情与灵感的风格,在这个以经典传统为重的花展中独树一帜,鹤立鸡群 Follows a game warden and his family during a changing political and socioeconomic climate in a smal In 1997, four kids vanish in Silverpoint Woods. 23 years later, one boy tries to find out what hap 升级公告
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