公元2025年人类经过一次浩劫后,机战兵团已控制地球,全球经此大战后几近灭亡,但残存的部队依旧火力交战毫无停止的迹象,经年累月的战事已使这个无政府状况下的地球更加无宁日人类的未来、希望,直到2039年 In a world where the government records and taxes dreams, an unassuming dream auditor gets swept u A gay couple, who resolve to stay together, is challenged as they attend a wedding. When a Halloween store opens in a deserted strip-mall, three friends, thinking they've outgrown tr When a supernatural cult threatens Earth, Alice must assemble a team of fairy tale villains to fac 由于被陷害参与暗杀,失落的忍者家族必须以自己的方式对抗地下核掩体中的超自然强敌——变异者和食人僵尸。 被围困在地下千尺,忍者们将直面地狱... The film follows a famed bounty hunter who runs into his sworn enemy, a professional gambler and o Kath and Donnie are celebrating their 2nd year anniversary in Japan and decides to end their relatio 鲁本和卡洛斯是狱中同窗。当鲁本还在努力摸清监狱生活中的条条框框之际,卡洛斯先是成为了他的领路人,而后终成为了他的情人。两人在狱中对彼此产生了难以名状的情感,然而在他们获遭释放后,问题也随之涌现?? 2021 澳洲雪梨狂歡同志影展 Mardi Gras Film Festival 2020 西雅圖酷兒影展 「從白得清晰分明的監獄粉牆,到氛圍更加曖昧幽微的拉美社會,這部片能讓人毫無壓力地沈浸其中 升级公告
2.将进行 TVBOX端 升级
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