Two smugglers meet two customs officers at sea, and happen to kill them. The story continues fifteen 卓别林饰演的流浪汉阴差阳错爱上了被他捉弄过的守夜人的女儿,双方在女孩家中剑拔弩张。为了逃离是非地,流浪汉不惜男扮女装引出一系列笑话……。 A tramp steals a girl's handbag, but when he tries to pick Charlie's pocket loses his cigare It is windy at a bathing resort. After fighting with one of the two husbands, Charlie approaches Edn 当时正值美国经济不景气时期,物价暴涨,失业率上升,工人工资下降,以致罢工潮四起。卓别林扮演针砭时弊、讽刺资本家和统治者的流浪汉,在欢笑和滑稽的背后是人生的凄苦与悲凉. Edith Hardy uses charity funds for Wall Street investments in hopes of buying some new gowns. She Edna's father wants her to marry wealthy Count He-Ha. Charlie, Edna's true love, impersona 约翰•舒勒(Edward José 饰)是华尔街一名年轻干练、事业有成的律师,某日他要作为特别代理人前往英国一段时间,因此不得不离开心爱的妻子(Mabel Frenyear 饰)和女儿(Runa Ho A shipowner intends to scuttle his ship on its last voyage to get the insurance money. Charlie, a 升级公告
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