The west German security police, Verfassungsschutz, need help to infiltrate a group connected to t 入围第71届柏林电影节德国电影视角单元。 As she enters retirement, a mother leaves behind her solitary life in rural Ge Dance teacher and mother Nadja left her son Mario with her own mother when he was little. Now she ha The west German security police, Verfassungsschutz, need help to infiltrate a group connected to the 安德里亚(戴安娜·阿姆夫特 Diana Amft 饰)是一名内衣设计师,年近30的她没有结婚,也铁定了心不打算要小孩。某日,她受到邀请前往米兰参加一个展览,在途中,安德里亚和曾经的青梅竹马格雷戈尔 慕尼黑的夜晚:罗伯特?苏斯麦特,一个16岁的男孩,疯狂嫉妒地迷恋着自己的母亲希尔德。他跟踪着她和她最新的情人到了一栋普通的公寓大厦。在这栋大厦里,罗伯特一时冲动之下在游泳池里杀死了母亲的情人。他这次致 Astrid was traumatized by the mysterious disappearance of a school class in 1999. Twenty years later 米夏尔(迈克尔·福思 Michael Fuith 饰)是个极其孤僻的独居男人,他上班时不喜欢和同事交流,在家时拒绝邻居往来,和自己的母亲、弟弟关系也疏远,原因在于,他不想让人发现他家中的秘密——地下室 A man with the mental faculties of a child must save his mother, thereby becoming god and devil. 故事发生在丹麦一个宗教氛围极浓的村子里,农夫波根有三个儿子,大儿子对宗教持怀疑态度,性情叛逆;小儿子居然与不同信仰的女孩谈恋爱,而影片的主角、三兄弟中的老二相信自己就是耶稣,被大家当成疯子,因为本来读 升级公告
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